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2 Step Sparring (Ibo Matsoki)


If you are a blue tag you need to know 2 step sparring numbers 1 to 4

Attackers start right leg back in ‘L’ stance, with forearm guarding block. When you have both exhaled, you attack your opponent with different attacks. (Tip – The only thing is to practice these as much as possible. This type of sparring is much harder and there is no easy way to learn them I’m afraid).

Defenders start in Narani 'Chunbi' Sogi - Parallel ready stance.

STEP ONE: ATTACK: Right leg forward into a walking stance performing a high section obverse punch. Then perform a low section front snap kick.
DEFENCE: Left leg back in right walking stance performing a rising block, then right leg back into a walking stance performing a ‘X’ fist pressing block. Then COUNTER attack – Slide forward in walking stance performing a twin vertical punch to the opponents face (Hinge of the jaw)

STEP TWO: ATTACK: Right side punch in fixed stance, then a middle turning kick with the left leg landing the kicking leg in front of you.
DEFENCE: Right leg back in ‘L’ stance performing an upward palm block, then left leg back in ‘L’ stance and perform a waist block with the right outer forearm. Then COUNTER attack – Slide forward into right ‘L’ stance then perform a right elbow strike to the opponents abdomen.

STEP THREE: ATTACK: Right leg front kick, step forward into walking stance, then complete a high twin vertical punch.
DEFENCE: Right leg goes back into walking stance performing a low ‘X’ fist pressing block, then the left leg goes back whilst performing a high outer forearm wedging block. Then COUNTER attack – Knee kick to the solar plexus at the same time pull opponents shoulders forwards and downwards.
(Tip; The counter is now performed, by placing your hands on the opponents shoulders and not pulling them down, just display the motion of pulling the opponent down without moving your opponent)

STEP FOUR: ATTACK: Right flat fingertip thrust in right walking stance, then perform a middle side kick with the left leg.
DEFENCE: Right leg goes back into left walking stance at the same time perform a rising knifehand block. Then left leg back in left ‘L’ stance, the same time an inward palm block. Then COUNTER attack – Front snap kick to the coccyx, and then a twin upset punch to the kidneys.
(Tip; Make sure your stances are nice and long and that you keep the kick up, as it looks really obvious if you haven’t made big enough steps back)

If you are a blue belt you need to know 2 step sparring numbers 5 to 8

Attackers start right leg back in ‘L’ stance, with forearm guarding block. When you have both exhaled, you attack your opponent different attacks. (Tip – The only thing is to practice these as much as possible. This type of sparring is much harder and there is no easy way to learn them I’m afraid).

Defenders start in Narani 'Chunbi' Sogi - Parallel ready stance.

STEP FIVE: ATTACK: Right leg back kick. (The right foot that is behind you performs the back kick), then step forward into a left walking stance while you perform a high obverse palm strike).
DEFENCE: Right ‘L’ stance performing a palm waist block, then left leg goes back into a left ‘L’ stance performing a inward outer forearm block. Then COUNTER attack – Change your feet to be in a right walking stance at the same time performing a middle left reverse knifehand inward strike.
(Tip; Make sure you move your feet or you’ll be in a very bad stance)

STEP SIX: ATTACK: Right foot high turning kick, step forward into a left walking stance performing a arc-hand strike to the throat.
DEFENCE: Move diagonally to form a sitting stance at the same time perform a twin straight forearm block, then the right leg moves back into ‘L’ stance whilst completing a palm hooking block (grabbing the arm). Then COUNTER attack – Now perform a left side kick whilst still holding the arm.
(Tip; Make sure that you get the stances right in this one, it will really help)

STEP SEVEN: ATTACK: Move into a right fixed stance at the same time perform a side fist strike, then a left middle reverse turning kick.
DEFENCE: Left ‘L’ stance with a twin forearm block, then right leg back into right ‘L’ stance performing a middle knifehand guarding block, (sliding away using the guard as a block only). Then COUNTER attack – Perform a right high section reverse turning kick.
(Tip; Make sure you slide back far enough, otherwise you will really hurt your opponent if you are too close)

STEP EIGHT: ATTACK: Perform a right middle side kick, then a spinning high knifehand strike into a right ‘L’ stance, (make sure you turn anti-clockwise).
DEFENCE: Move into a right ‘L’ stance at the same time performing an inward inner forearm waist block, step left foot to right foot, then step back into a right ‘L’ stance whilst performing a knifehand guarding block. Then COUNTER attack – Move into a left ‘X’ stance at the same time complete a backfist strike to the opponents temple or back of the neck.
(Tip; When moving into the ‘X’ stance, your right foot should move in front of the already front balanced foot (the left foot))

(AFTER BLUE BELT YOU ARE EXPECTED TO REMEMBER 1 TO 8 - SO MAKE SURE YOU PRACTICE REGULARLY. You could be asked at any grading afterwards to perform them.)